Kitchen Remodel
About the Project
A kitchen is commonly referred to as the heart of a home. Remodeling an old kitchen will not only provide a beautiful new space for family and friends to enjoy, but it can provide the greatest dollar for dollar financial return compared to any other remodeling project a client can undertake. Some people think kitchen remodeling is simply swapping out old cabinets and appliances for new ones. When properly done, it is a lot more than that and this kitchen was begging for some help. The critical first step in the process is understanding how the kitchen will be used. Once a clear understanding of the needs is communicated, options are presented and current design flaws are addressed. This kitchen had several issues that were resolved. First, the original refrigerator stuck WAY out from the countertop. Second, the sink was next to the refrigerator, so there was no countertop space on the left side of the sink. Third, the dishwasher was next to the sink and across from the island, so when the door was opened it blocked the walkway. Fourth, the pantry entrance faced the left side of the refrigerator, which required a pseudo hallway of wasted square footage. The first issue was resolved by ordering a stylish high end countertop depth refrigerator. The second and third issues were resolved by swapping the location of the sink and dishwasher. The fourth was an exceptionally creative solution because it resolved another issue outside of the kitchen. This home did not have a linen closet. The current pantry entrance was closed off with framing and drywall, the back wall of the old pantry entrance was opened and a closet door was installed along with shelves for the new linen closet. A new pantry was created in the space on the left side of the refrigerator where the wasted square footage previously existed.